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Who are we?
What brought us together?
Management Board
Advisory Board
Our Partners

Who are we?

BASSCOM was founded in 2001 as an Association of companies registered in Bulgaria, whose main activity is related to the development, production and distribution of software products and services and software support services. Currently, the Association has over 110 full right member companies and over 150 associate members, including universities, private educational organizations, foundations, venture capital funds, start-up innovative companies, etc.

History Background Image

What brought us together?

Since the 1980s, Bulgaria has had traditions as a serious IT and software center. At the beginning of the transition, however, this industry almost disappeared and had to be restarted. This practically happened at the end of the 90s, when the first Bulgarian companies and the first foreign investments allowed in 2000/2001 to have a small but serious critical set of companies that wanted to be visible and organized. More than two decades ago, we laid the foundations of what we call "the new Bulgarian software industry". We have united the progressive economic thought of the country, centered in the software companies, and created a community of like-minded people with the idea that the progress of this industry is fundamental to the development of information technology, as well as to the economic growth of the country. Then we were 13 companies, and currently there are more than 4,600 companies in Bulgaria that deal with software. For more than 20 years, BASSCOM has managed to grow more than 10 times, and Bulgaria has been able to position itself as a quality destination and a hub of talents that can deal with the most complex challenges in the software sector.



Work with the government and the state institutions

We are committed to protecting the common interests of our member companies in socio-political discussions on issues affecting the sector. We participate in the process of policy formation at a strategic level. We actively work to ensure a sustainable business climate and an adequate legal framework in Bulgaria and the EU, with the aim of predictability in the development of the sector and the attraction of foreign investments.


Education and talents

We work to improve IT education in Bulgaria in partnership with schools and the academic community. We are committed to initiating and participating in real-world vocational training, upskilling and retraining projects. We are actively working to create good conditions for retaining specialists in Bulgaria, as well as for attracting talent from abroad.


Branding and export promotion

We are committed to presenting the competitive advantages of the Bulgarian software sector internationally. We support member companies in their positioning in new and established markets. We actively partner with related branch organizations abroad.


Innovation and entrepreneurship

We support the development of the innovation ecosystem in various roles - mentors of start-up companies, business angels, investors, etc. We create, maintain and develop the entrepreneurial culture in Bulgaria.


Company excellence

We provide access of our member companies to specialized trainings, seminars, thematic meetings and other formats. We inform members about current changes in the legal framework in Bulgaria and the EU, concerning the development of the software sector. BASSCOM is a co-founder of the Regional Center of the European Software Institute - ESI Center Eastern Europe, a leading research and development organization in the field of information and management technologies.


Download BASSCOM's 2024 Statute (in Bulgarian language only)

Management Board

Advisory Board

Our Partners

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